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Fragile Pampas

Frequently asked...


Can anyone be hypnotised?  

Yes, providing they want to be.


I have heard it’s a type of mind control?

You are in complete control at all times.


Will I be made to do something against my will or 'cluck like a chicken'?

Definitely not. Your safety and morality remain intact throughout.


What if I get “stuck” in hypnosis?

This never happens.  


Is hypnosis like sleeping?

The only similarity, is that you may feel relaxed - If anything, you're more likely to experience a heightened state of awareness.



How many sessions will I need?

This depends on; the history and complexity of the issue, plus your individual needs. I can better assess and advise during your free (no obligation) phone consultation.


Do you offer a guarantee of success?

Unfortunately there are no guarantees with any type of treatment, however, I do guarantee to do my very best to help.


Any hidden costs? 

No never. If your session runs over, you will not be charged additionally.


Past Life Regression

Is it safe? 

Yes, with a trained Regression Therapist. 


Is it real?

Whilst there is no definitive answer, currently, many believe in reincarnation and/or, we have lived lives before. 


Will I see images?

This largely depends on the way you experience the world around you. Some people are very visual, others more kinesthetic (feeling), some auditory (listening), or you may be a mixture.  


Do I have to believe in reincarnation?

No but having an open mind and being free of expectation is helpful.


What if I did something in a past life that I'm not proud of?

There is never any judgement on my part and nothing that I haven’t come across before. 



Can everyone meditate?

Yes they can, it just requires a little patience and practice.


I have tried meditation before but couldn’t get it right

Its simpler than people think. Ask an experienced meditator for guidance or contact me. 

"tend to your vital heart & all that you worry about will be solved"


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