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'It's provided me with significant insight and a new way of thinking...'

I am extremely satisfied by the professionalism and approach used by Debbie. She listens carefully, analyses what is said and is able to understand everything from a psychological and a spiritual approach. I received hypnosis which provided me with significant insight and a new way of thinking about some of my problems. I have applied new techniques into my daily life which has improved my life significantly. I would recommend Debbie to anyone who is looking for insight into past or present life and looking to improve their quality of life. 

P.R. United Kingdom


'My experience helped me understand what is making me struggle in life...'

I hadn't tried hypnotherapy before and was somewhat anxious. Debbie made me feel very relaxed and welcomed. She explained the process fully to help me understand my thoughts and feelings. My experience helped me understand what is making me struggle in life and I recommend Debbie who is very knowledgeable, thoughtful and able to guide one towards a happier and healthier life.  

L.H. Staffordshire


'Cannot recommend Debbie more highly'

I had hypnotherapy and past life regression with Debbie over zoom. Not only were they healing experiences for me; Debbie's kindness, understanding, explanations and support were all just exceptional. I have had amazing sessions and cannot recommend Debbie more highly. Coming from an original place of skepticism I feel that these sorts of experiences and therapy can benefit so many and aren't shared or discussed enough. Even after just one conversation with Debbie I knew she could help me. My only regret is that I did not do this sooner. I encourage anyone that wants help to change anything or wants help to feel better in any part of their lives to contact Debbie. I am sure she will be able to help you.

S.A. Wales


'This is the best thing I've ever done for myself and I am so much more chilled out about my life..'

I originally thought meditation was only for people who were spiritual but knew I needed to try something to help me balance my stress levels. I had tried it on my own a few times but kept thinking I was doing it wrong. I eventually contacted Debbie and liked her immediately. 


The coaching sessions really helped me to understand the process and what to expect. She was really patient with me and gave me the confidence to keep pushing through in between our sessions. I like her practical explanations and if you don’t understand she explains it in another way. I am getting really good at it now but also like joining the online sessions as it’s a different type of experience. We do all sorts of guided meditations and some breathing techniques which are really good for relaxation. 


This is the best thing I've ever done for myself and I am so much more chilled out about my life in general. My family and friends thought it was a bit strange when I first started to do it, but some of them have started meditating since seeing the way it's helped me. I am really glad I got coaching because I know I would have given up on my own. Thank you Debbie for all of your support and encouragement.

S.T  Stafford 


'I highly recommend Debbie as she is a great practitioner'

Just to say thank you and how much I really enjoy my reiki sessions with Debbie. I always sleep so much better after having my appointment and always look forward to the next. If anyone hasn’t tried reiki before its definitely relaxing and peaceful but sometimes very energizing. I highly recommend Debbie as she is a great practitioner.  

R.H  Shropshire


'I found hypnotherapy to be extremely relaxing and very effective...'

My sessions have been most enjoyable and rewarding. They have had a big impact on my health and wellbeing as I am feeling the best I have felt in a very long time.


At first I had huge doubts about hypnotherapy and frankly thought it a bit too “out there”; I am very left brain in my thinking. I decided to give it a go for two reasons, firstly I had tried many other traditional routes without success and secondly Debbie had treated a friend of mine for work stress and I couldn’t believe the changes after such a short space of time.


I really didn’t know what to expect but became quickly impressed at the way in which Debbie interacted with me (I have employed a great many people over the years and say without doubt that she has exceptional people skills).


I found hypnotherapy to be extremely relaxing and very effective. Even though I am now feeling in very good health, I still like to listen to the relaxation audio as it keeps me balanced. I simply can't thank her enough for what she has done, I wish I had been more open to trying this years ago as I could have saved myself such a lot of stress and ill health. My wife also wanted me to thank Debbie for the new and improved me! She also listens to the audio as it helps her sleep.  I just wanted to say how grateful I am for everything Debbie has done for me.

D.B. Newcastle Under Lyme


'Can't believe I have stopped eating carbs and sugar just like that!!!!'

Tried to quit this on my own but couldn’t get off the ground, after 3 sessions I am carb and sugar free for 6 months!!!! just wow!!!! I am now wondering what else to try.  

L.S. Staffordshire 


'Debbie was highly recommended to me and she absolutely lived up to that...'

I went with some vague ideas about what I wanted to achieve, her clarity and guidance helped me to fine-tune the purpose of my treatment. She took great care in preparing me for the past life hypnosis session by getting used to her voice on forehand, talking me through what might happen/or not (and de-mystifying magician style hypnosis).


I loved her calmness, her voice and patience and felt incredibly well looked after from start to finish. There was time and warmth in a safe space. After the experience Debbie helped me to review what happened during the session while it was for me to make sense of it. Finally she helped me settle back into the everyday and offered her ongoing professional support. The whole experience was very positive for me.

S.S. Derby


'Debbie is by far the best regression therapist I have ever come across...'

I am very happy to share this testimonial with anyone who is thinking of coming for a past life regression session. I have been for so many past life sessions over the years that I have lost count. Debbie is by far the best regression therapist I have ever come across. She is such a lovely person, very warm and friendly, easy to talk to and listens with genuine interest.


After half an hour of chatting to her I felt I had known her for years. She explained everything about the session before hand and encouraged me to remain opened minded in order to get the most from the session. Many therapists don’t tend to do any of this once they know you have been through the process before. She also took the time to get to know me and what I wanted to get out of the session, again never been asked this before.


Her professionalism and approach made me feel that nothing phases her at all which felt very reassuring. For anyone into regression, you will understand that a lot of the past life experience can depend on the therapist and the way that talk and guide you through the your session, this really can make all of the difference. I had some of the most amazing and insightful experiences during this past life session which blew me away.


When we got into the spirit realms, it became even more of a profound experience as this is where I got all of my answers and reason for the session. I understood exactly why two of my relationships (with family members) were challenging and as a result of this knowledge something completed shifted inside me. I understood that there were karmic issues that are being worked on in this life. I also found out exactly why I am being pulled to change career, this is something that has been niggling away for two years. I didn’t want the session to end but felt like I had been given a very special gift in the form of knowledge. 


Now that I have found Debbie, I will definitely be going back for another session. I would also like to add that the challenging relationships no longer bother me in the same way. I am able to see them from a bigger perspective and allow things to play out as they need to. I am looking into changing my career path and have since started studying while still in my other role. I feel more sure than ever that its what I need to do and thank her so much.

F..J. Stafford 

"what you seek is seeking you"


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